Elevate Your Event With The Flok App

Discover how Flok’s innovative app can elevate venues, conferences, community events, and more by enhancing networking and fostering meaningful connections. Schedule a meeting with our team to make your events more impactful.

Flok for Business

A Sample Of Our Partners

Networking Partners
partner for business

How Can Flok Help Your Business?

Learn how Flok can help grow your ROI and benefit your event experiences


Efficiently Connecting People

Our networking features and user-friendly interface connect users with like-minded and potential collaborators, ensuring every interaction is valuable and targeted to user interests, location, and goals.


Partnered Promotion

We promote events across our network reaching thousands who are new-to-town, convention attendees, college students, and more. As a “Flok Spot”, your venue will be featured on the app attracting new customers and local recognition.


Analytics & Reporting

Gain insights into your event crowds with Flok’s robust analytics and reporting tools. Track connections, measure engagement, and analyze your event’s impact to continually improve your event strategy.

How Will Users Leverage Flok At Events?

Flok’s networking features add value for in-person connection

Setting goals and inputting interests

We empower users to set their goals and input their interests. Ensuring each individual connects with the most relevant attendees. Setting up a user profile is simple and takes seconds!

Flok Profile Preferences
Check in to Flok Spots

Checking in to your venue

When your guests arrive, they’ll check in to your venue or event. Our interface will display the current activity level, attracting even more customers. Once checked in, your customers can see who else is there and start Floking.

Making friends and connections

Once your guests have mutually connected, they can coordinate one-on-one meetings immediately or at a later time in your venue via Flok messaging.

Connected on Flok
missed connections with search

Connecting those who were missed

Once your guests leave, they’ll have the option to connect with people they missed at your venue. Missed Connections enable Flokers to see who they missed in the last 48 hours.

If you’ve got a crowd, we’ve got the app

Whether you’re a co-working space, coffee shop, bar, or conference center, Flok can help your guests make the most of their time!

events flok mobile

Become A Flok Spot, Today!