Tips For Making Friends According To A Friendship Coach

Being an adult can be a lonely experience. Unless you make a conscious effort to stay connected, you often find yourself isolated or drifting away from the people you know. Whether you’ve simply moved away from or outgrown your old friends, it can be hard making friends as an adult.
The idea of meeting new people and starting fresh with relationships can be daunting. But it’s not as impossible as it seems. Making friends as an adult is all about facilitating your own social opportunities. Here are a few tips from a friendship coach on how to make adult friends.

#1: Become a Regular

As much as we wish otherwise, our lives aren’t movies. Many of us don’t experience that perfect moment where we look at someone and realize it’s best friend destiny. Instead of waiting on a chance meeting, integrate some routine into your day. Go to the same place every week or every day. Take your dog to a dog park or visit your favorite coffee shop. Work it into your routine and become a regular presence there.
Be intentional with your interactions, and take note of familiar strangers. These are the people you see all the time but don’t know who they are. These are usually other regulars at your destination of choice. The familiar setting becomes more comfortable, especially as you begin to recognize more people. It makes it easier to approach these people and strike up a conversation. Try not to get hung up on making friends at first, just start with hello! The rest will follow from there.

#2: Look at Who You Already Know

You are surrounded by people that you already know, and you never know who would make a great friend. Your personal trainer, hairstylist, neighbor, and other daily interactions can be transformed into friendships. You simply need to be open to the possibility.
Making new friends doesn’t always mean meeting new people. While we use these phrases interchangeably, they aren’t the same. Making friends just means creating a deeper connection with another person. Sometimes we already know that person and just haven’t realized they are friend material.
You might also have some old friendships that are worth rekindling. People will often feel touched that you have been thinking of them and decided to reach out. Unless an old relationship was toxic for you, you shouldn’t be afraid of reaching out and renewing past friendships.

Tip #3: Find a Super Connector

No, this isn’t a professional matchmaker for friends. This is someone you already know. Most everyone has that one person that seems to know just about everyone. These extroverts enjoy connecting with people and helping other people make connections as well. Ask them about upcoming events or places to hang out.
They’ll probably be thrilled to connect you with other people, especially if you’re upfront about it. Just let the person know that you’re trying to make more connections. Let them know that you admire how socially active they are, and want more of that in your life! Then, ask if they can point you in the right direction. You don’t have to be shy about wanting to make new friends.

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